Knowing which tools and how to use them is half the battle.

I've used a variety of tools to build a variety of things. Here are some of my favorites.

  • Javascript

    I have written thousands of lines of JS and have used it to build everything from simple drawings to complex web applications.


  • Typescript

    Taking my experience with Javascript to the next level, I have been using Typescript to combine the flexibility of JS with the type safety I learned in C#.

    Rubber Duck Geocaching

  • Python

    My first programming language, I learned Python while building my foundation in programming.

    User Management Demo

  • C#

    My first introduction to object oriented programming, I used C# to learn about classes, inheritance, and polymorphism.

    Simple Jumping Game

  • Node.js

    Server side Javascript runtime environment.

  • Express.js

    API framework for Node.js.

    Pokemon API

  • Knex.js

    Query builder for Node.js.

    Rubber Duck Geocaching

  • PostgreSQL

    Relational database management system.

    Rubber Duck Geocaching

  • MongoDB

    NoSQL database management system.

    Pokemon API

  • Cypress

    Automated testing framework.

  • React.js

    JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

    Rubber Duck Geocaching

  • Remix.js

    Framework for building server-rendered React applications.

    Rubber Duck Geocaching

  • Next.js

    Framework for building server-rendered React applications.

    This site

  • TailwindCSS

    Utility-first CSS framework.

    This site