Building a Personal Learning Management System

Most students are familiar with the concept of a Learning Management System (LMS). It's the software that powers the online classrooms of most universities. It's where you go to find your assignments, submit your homework, and check your grades. It's also where you go to find your syllabus, read your course announcements, and communicate with your classmates.

Canvas LMS Screenshot

Canvas is the LMS used by the University of Utah, Brigham Young University, Brigham Young University-Idaho, and Utah Valley University among others.

But what if you could have your own personal LMS? What if you could have a place to track and organize your learning journey? What if you could have a place to keep track of all the things you've learned, and all the things you want to learn?

The design process

With the main idea fixed, I started to think about what features I would want in my personal LMS. I started by making a list of all the things I wanted to be able to do with my personal LMS. I then grouped these features into categories, and then I started to think about how I would implement each feature.

Wireframe for PLMS

Current state of the project

Right now the project is on hold until I can find the time to work on it. I'm currently working on a few other projects, and I don't have the time to work on this one. I'm hoping to get back to it soon, but I don't know when that will be.